Enjoy naturism!

Embrace nature!
Embrace yourself!

At NTRSM, we believe in the beauty of connecting with nature and embracing who we truly are. We really like to share the wonders of naturism with you. Naturism is all about enjoying the great outdoors and feeling good about our bodies, no matter what they look like. So, about us is actually more about you. Our mission is to make you feel happy, confident, and healthy in your own skin. In a way it is the cheapest psychotherapy you can find! More….

Numbers speak

We don’t have all the numbers yet. But it figures that the world of NTRSM has so much to offer!

People in western society
0 m+

More than 100 million people out there enjoy their time undressed. It suits them perfectly!

places to go
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There are many places in the world where you can spend your time nude. 

steps to take

Is it something you can learn? We don’t know. But hey! You can try!

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.


12 Tips for women that want to try naturism

At NTRSM we don’t want anyone in the world to mis out on the great rewards (scientifically proven) and fun that naturism can bring. But we know that for some women that first time in the buff looks scary. Even so scary, that they don’t follow up on that wish. Let us help! And here are some tips for men.

What's naturism?

Naturism is not a religion, but it may look like one. That has everything to do with the respectful way naturists talk about nature, about people and the respect and body-confidence they have in general. And that makes sence: by taking your clothes of you can’t hide anything anymore. Not even yourself.

8 Tips for Men that want to try naturism

At NTRSM we don’t want anyone in the world to mis out on the great rewards (scientifically proven) and fun that naturism can bring. But we know that for some women that first time in the buff looks scary. Even so scary, that they don’t follow up on that wish. Let us help! And here are some tips for women.

Enjoy Nacations!

Do you want to get out of the rat-race?

Stress is a real serial killer these days. Deadlines. FOMO. Targets. Commuting. Work-Life balance. No wonder that a lot of people get in a burnout situation. You may not believe it, but there is scientific evidence that spending free time in the buff actually helps preventing this!

Naturism needs help!

Do you want to help us get the word out?

With this site we want to give clarity to the world what nudism is all about. We want to fight for better laws. We want people to be able to enjoy some bare time on beaches (or other places) without being arrested or being spied upon. And we want to get to the point that every nudist/naturist in the world doesn’t hold back in telling others that he or she loves this way of life.

For that we need (a little) money to get started. 

Leisure Activities

skinny dipping


nudist golf


nudist volleyball


nudist tennis


nudist petanque


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Here you can find downloads from INF-FNI: the International Naturist Federation